Leominster Church of Christ

Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness

It is both challenging and encouraging to all believers who are following Jesus to consider the rewards of living the “new” life. 


In studying I Corinthians in the Auditorium class,

we looked again at “the wisdom of humanity and the ‘foolishness’ of God” as the letter to the church (Christians) in Corinth begins. At the conclusion of chapter 2 the Apostle makes reference to the “unspiritual” or “natural” person not receiving the gifts of the Spirit of God because they are folly to that person and only able to be understood by the spiritual.


Therefore when we watch most news or movies, when we observe the world and its ways, we should not be surprised at the actions and results that come from those who do not learn from God nor seek, hunger, or thirst for His righteousness. 


Yet, as Paul addresses the church, “brethren” in Jesus,

he says even the converted are either “spiritual” or still “carnal”, “people of flesh” or “worldly.” He goes on to explain in chapter 3 that those Christians growing and exhibiting the knowledge and thirst for being like Jesus keep on seeking the ways and things of God.


But some stay as babes in Christ. He calls those people of the flesh, people of the world, or carnal people. 


So what does this say to us?

Are we still those barely grown Christians when we fail to grow into Christians who can help others grow? Do we attend worship together and Bible study together to encourage others as well as to keep ourselves growing? Do we wrestle with sections of Scripture like Hebrews 5:11-6:12 or I Peter 2 when we encounter the challenge in I Corinthians 3 to be spiritual rather than carnal, or fleshly, or worldly?


And finally (for this present consideration):

What change is God calling for in our daily walk, in our church (assembly) participation, in our heart and attitude? How do the various false understandings or non-Christian ways of acting that the Christians in Corinth were stumbling over help us gain godly perspectives, understandings, and/or attitudes and actions?


Just wondering….



P.S. Looking in the mirror while asking you to do the same — James 1:16-27