Is There A Limit To God’s Expectation

    Weren’t you, as was I, blessed with the 1st Live Stream worship (3/22) by the focus Jared placed on the prayers of Jesus when He was in difficult times?  Jesus depended on His Father as He dealt with the hunger of thousands, sought the participation of the apostles, his own calm and peace as well […]

Is It God’s Way?

On Paul’s second missionary journey, he, Silas, and others — certainly Timothy (Acts 15:36-13:3) — went through Phrygia and Galatia, down to Troas on the coast, and had a call (not on the cell phone) to go over to Macedonia. You can read of the working of God through them at Philippi (Acts 16:11-40), at […]

Spiritual Living

Last month we thought a bit about spiritual living in relationship to “hungering and thirsting for righteousness.” We noted from I Corinthians that it should not be surprising that the world is filled with sinful living since “the unspiritual (or natural) person does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they (they […]

Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness

It is both challenging and encouraging to all believers who are following Jesus to consider the rewards of living the “new” life.    In studying I Corinthians in the Auditorium class, we looked again at “the wisdom of humanity and the ‘foolishness’ of God” as the letter to the church (Christians) in Corinth begins. At […]

From Rubbish to Royalty

2 Samuel 9 INTRODUCTION The resounding consensus regarding our beloved brother Gerald Draleau was, “He made me feel like I was the most important person in the world.” What a legacy! I know of a few people who have that kind of impact, but only a few. It’s a rare trait in our current culture […]